Thursday, April 2, 2009

Assignment 2-Part 3

Steps to make my calender:

Step 1
First, open a new file>choose the size of the papper:A3>name:calender
Step 2
I took some pictures about kids with smiling faces from the internet and drag them into illustrator.
Below are my pictures:

Step 3
Then, I click on the selected picture, then click on Object>Live Trace.
There are so many options to trace the picture, but I chose for the Comic Art type>Max colors: 4>Trace

Step 4
After having the image, I start to design the background. I open another layer, named it>background. Then, I create a rectangular in the new layer.
I use a Twirl Tool, a useful tool to turn the shape of the rectangular.The yellow coloured shape below is transformed from a rectangular.
Step 5
By using the same tool, I experiment with different shapes. I use Ellipse Tool, Polygonal Tool to draw different types of shapes. After that, I click on these shapes> change opacity, a technic that I learnt from tutorial class> change blending mode to screen.
Step 6
Create another layer>Words
Click on the Text Tool, I type the title for the calender- Merdeka.
Next, I type the slogan- Smile Malaysia
In order to make the words pop up from the background, I click on Effect>Stylize>Drop Shadow.
Step 7
I create another layer>Box
I use a Rectangular Tool, then adjust the shape and place it on the bottom.

Step 8
I open another new layer>month
I type the month and date of Merdeka Day.

Step 9
I create a new layer>date
First, I draw a rectangular using Rectangular Tool.
Then I click on the rectangular and choose the Area Type Tool.
Third, click on Type> Area Type Options>Rows: 6>Columns: 7
Last, type the dates into the table created.

1 comment:

  1. ur sooo detailed..i can do exactly the same thing as what u did..4 thumbs up!!!
